Peter and the Test Tube Babies - link to home page

H - link to About us page


Hello, my name is Paul 'H' Henrickson, bass monkey, welcome to my web page. I was born in the (late)60's, my brother bought me my first bass for my 14th birthday (thanks Al) and I took to it instantly. Not many of us are touched by genius and neither was I but became good enough. First bit of "success" came with goth/indie band "bone orchard". We released some stuff and toured a bit until we split in 84'. I had always hung around the Test Tubes, poncing drink, drugs and guest list, and occasionally sold merchandise for them. 

H and the girls

I was well pleased when asked to join after Rum left. The band has taken me around the globe and a big thanks to Peter and Del for all these oppourtunities. I would also like to thank my lovely wife, Fiona, for letting me be in it, handling my tour come-downs, etc and hi to my nephew Jack. 

Advertising feature - I use fender basses, ampeg amplification and elites stadium series strings. Any freebies appreciated. If you have any comments or questions contact me at

H's blog



Last updated: October 2009
H's recent blog comments continued

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