"All the songs on this album were recorded in 1979 and constitute two days heavy drinking, they were never meant to be anything else but demos, this is not the bands follow up to 'The Mating Sounds Of South American Frogs', more like the album that should have preceded 'Pissed & Proud'". Well that's what it says on the sleeve and of course it is...a right load of bollocks!! Complete lies all of it, for the first time ever I'm going to let the whole world know the truth.
OK, what's important to remember with this band is that we are right lazy bastards, especially back then. In fact, although we've been going 20 years, we've probably only done 5 years actual work. Anyway, due to the success of 'South American Frogs' and the coverage we were getting at the time in the music press, the distributors of Trapper Records were very keen for us to make a follow-up album as soon as possible, so keen in fact that Red Rhino (a major distributor at the time) waved a cheque for six Grand in our faces and told us to come up with an album. Well what with sacking our manger 'cos we never saw any money from Trapper Records and us all being skint we felt it was an offer too good to refuse.
Trouble is of course we'd been too lazy to write any new songs, so a bit of a dilemma really! It just so happened that around that time, me and Del had been playing in another band called 'Walnut and The Wankers' which of course was nothing serious. So, we hit upon the idea of recording an album using their songs and some of our really old songs that were so bad we'd never had the front to record them before, stuff like 'I Lust For The Disgusting Things In Life' which lets face it, is awful. Walnut and Squeech (the bassist of the Wankers) were none too keen for the Test Tubes stealing their songs until we promised them they'd get some royalties (Ha-Ha!!).
And so it was that one day in the Summer of 1984 (sorry I can't remember the exact date), we turned up at our old rehearsal place - Alaska Studios in London. We started rehearsing at ten in the morning and by four in the afternoon we'd bashed out 18 songs, we then had a few hours break in the pub. At about 6PM we moved all the gear up the corridor from the rehearsal studios to the recording studio and from 6PM till Midnight we recorded the whole album!
During this time a hell of a lot of speed and booze was consumed as you can imagine! Trapper had flu or something and left around 9PM so Del played bass on a lot of songs, Walnut also done some guitaring and the backing vocals were done by Ogs, Del, myself, Walnut and a friend of ours Guy. After a bit of a break, Me, Del and the engineer started mixing the album at about 2AM. We finished about 6AM and that was it, a whole 18 track album written, rehearsed, recorded and mixed in less than 24 hours. We'd already arranged to get the acetate cut at 'Porky Primes' also in London at 8AM which is exactly what me and Del done.
After another pub break for breakfast, me and Del went over to Mayking (the sleeve designers) in West London, we'd already brought up from Brighton all our old photos and press cuttings and whilst I made the layout for the front and back, Del designed and wrote out the label for the record. I think it took about an hour at most. By now it was midday and we'd not only recorded an album but finished the sleeve and everything, in fact there was nothing else to do, it was all done.
We then went to the pub to celebrate and by this time we were knackered, I think the whole thing cost us about a Grand as we managed to pull off some good deals with everyone involved. After the pub, I remember going back to Brighton and sleeping for a day and a half. About two days later I got the train all the way up to York to meet Red Rhino and pick up the six Grand. OK it was a hectic day and a bit and we did work actually work quite hard but we made a nice little earner out of it and most importantly...it doesn't sound that bad either!