Our first studio album since 'Supermodels' and the first with Rum and A.D. Del came to Brighton early in 1997 and had a tape of some new songs he'd written. We went over to Andy Aggro's house and using the studio in his basement I put down some vocals on the demo. Again, this went to Henry, again he drooled over it and once again We Bite liked what they heard and gave us the red light to make the next album.
We rehearsed again to Esselle studios for about a week and then in September 1997 we flew out to Frankfurt to Hazelwood Studios. On the way there though, something strange happened. At Gatwick airport when we checked in they said that there were only two non-smoking seats left and that the only other non-smoking seats left were in First Class. Therefore two of us would have to travel First Class. Guess who got those ? Yeah bloody A.D. and Rum the lucky bastards. Anyway, Henry met us at the airport and we went off in his car to the studio. Now the plan was that two of us would sleep in the studio and two at a nearby squat. We went to the squat and it was fucking awful. There was no way we were going to stay there so we went for a beer and then dropped Rum and A.D. at the studio, Me and Del crashed the night at Henrys.
Next day we started work at the studio, it was Tuesday 9th September, my priority though was finding somewhere we could watch the next day's England match, Henry sorted it out. The next day at about
6PM we got the train into town and found McGowans Irish bar. What a great night, England thrashed Moldavia and when Henry turned up, he paid our bar bill.
Thursday and Friday we spent putting down the drums and Friday evening we went to watch Kickers Offenbach play, they are Henry's favourite team and they won. Afterwards we went clubbing all over town, on Saturday Damir (he designed the album sleeve) turned up and we went with Henry, Thomas and Margit (We Bite) and loads of others to an all night party on a boat cruising down the main. I had a brilliant time and had my photo taken with practically every bird on the boat. We went clubbing again and I got back to the studio at 9.00 the next morning. A.D. flew back on the Sunday having finished the drums, Rum flew back on the Monday. Me and Del stayed on the rest of the week and more or less finished off the album. Del mixed and produced it, Damir made the sleeve and took all the photos, we flew back Saturday morning.
The following Friday, Colin, Scott and Pedro from GBH turned up at Esselle Studios in Brighton to record their parts for "I'm getting Pissed For Xmas". We all got well out of it. next day me and Del added a few finishing touches and in the evening a fucking great big bunch of us went out on the town on Del's stag night. I'm well pleased with the album. It sounds good and I love the intro. The title track is fucking wicked. Damir done a really good job on the sleeve. Don't know what Trapper will make of "Sour Grapes". "1471" is a true story about a guy called Hunchback who is an old friend of ours from Brighton. "Big Disappointment" features both mine and Rum's daughters and is certainly a little different to our usual stuff. All in all it's too early to say if it's a classic, but it shows every sign of being so. |